Euchre 3D

by A-Star Software LLC



Top Free Euchre - achievements, stats, smart AI & tons more features & options!

The top-ranked free Euchre card game with:Achievements • Statistics • Game options • Smart AI • Frequent updates • Lots of happy players • Join now!Euchre 3D is the premier free Euchre card game for smart phones and tablets and is now available on Android! Euchre 3D has been in development for years by a dedicated team and has seen countless new features, improvements, and bug fixes. Its fast, stable, always improving, and above all fun!Top Features include:* Smart AI partners and opponents to keep you challenged* Live online multiplayer!* Fast, smooth playing with different game speeds* Realistic graphics - it feels just like sitting at a table!* Achievements* Statistics* Game options, including Canadian Loner, Stick the Dealer, and more* In-app help and feedback menu (let us know how we can improve)* Frequent updates, improvements, and bug fixesThis release contains bug fixes and stability improvements, in order to continually improve your experience.